Message Understanding Conference (MUC) 7


Message Understanding Conference (MUC) 7 was produced by Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC) catalog number LDC2001T02 and ISBN 1-58563-205-8. In the 1990s, the MUC evaluations have funded the development of metrics and statistical algorithms to support government evaluations of emerging information extraction technologies. Additional information from NIST can be found at

The following list shows the correspondence between versions of the IE task Vefinition and stages of the MUC-7 evaluation.

Version Stage
4.1 training and dryrun
4.2 formalrun
5.1 final

The dryrun and formalrun have different domains; the dryrun (and training) consists of aircrashes scenarios and the formalrun consists of missile launches scenarios. The final version updates especially the Template Relations portion of the guidelines.

Normally for each scenario two datasets are provided: training and test. When the evaluation cycle begins, the labe l for the scenario dataset is training then the corresponding test dataset for that same scenario is used for the dryrun testing. For the formal run, a formal training set is given out 4 weeks before the test answers are due in. The formal test is given out one week before the test answers are due. After the entire evaluation and meeting have been held, final edits are made if necessary


see also: MucSixCorpus, MucSixAddonCorpus

-- MichaelDaum -- 11 Nov 2003
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