LREC 2004

4th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
24-30 May 2004, Lisbon, Portugal


Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal

Important Dates

27th October 2003 Submission of proposals for panels and workshops
7th November 2003 Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers, referenced demos UPDATED
14th November 2003 Notification of acceptance of workshop and panel proposals
23th January 2004 Notification of acceptance of oral papers, posters, referenced demos
8st March 2004 Final versions for the proceedings
24-25 May 2004 Pre-conference workshops
26-27-28 May 2004 Main conference
29-30 May 2004 Post-conference workshops

Abstract Submission

On the LREC 2004 web pages,, from the "Abstract submission" section, you can choose the appropriate submission form and submit paper, demonstration or poster abstracts.


Conference registration fees

  Before 27th February 2004 After 20th February 2004 On-site registration
Participant from ELRA member organisation 210 Euro 250 Euro 290 Euro
Standard participant 260 Euro 320 Euro 380 Euro
Student 110 Euro 130 Euro 150 Euro

The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings, welcome reception, conference dinner, coffee-breaks and refreshments.

Workshop registration fees

  Hald-day workshop Full-day workshop
Workshop only participant 85 Euro 170 Euro
Workshop and conference participant 50 Euro 100 Euro

The fees cover the following services: a copy of the proceedings of the attended workshop, coffee-breaks and refreshments.


Viagens Abreu, SA 
Congress Department 
attn Madalena de Almeida 
Fax : +351 21415 63 83 (or 84) 

Latex Style

Here it is. For more information see the author's kit on the lrec2004 homepage.

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