Yanhong Annie Liu.
Incremental Computation: A Semantics-Based Systematic
Transformational Approach.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, January 1996.
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S. Sairam, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, and Roberto Tamassia.
A complexity theoretic approach to incremental computation.
Proceedings of STACS '93: the 10th Annual Symposium on TACS,
665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, February 1993.
G. Ramalingam and Thomas Reps.
A categorized bibliography on incremental computation.
Conference Record of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on POPL,
pages 502--510, January 1993.
Arthur Michael Berman.
Lower and Upper Bounds for Incremental Algorithms.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey, October 1992.