Grusel Kabinett

This is intended as a repository for sentences with analyses that have heavy constraint violations although they are (mostly) grammatical or catastrophic analyses that have a surprisingly good score.

  • Weder werde ihnen eine Begleitung auf dem Schulweg noch die nötige Unterstützung im Klassenzimmer zugestanden. The problem is that "noch" coordinates the two NPs "Begleitung ..." and "Unterstützung ..." but "weder" is topicalized and cannot attach to the first NP without a crossing edge resulting thereof.

(corrected parse ; this is perhaps the most sensible solution)
  • Dies bestätigte inzwischen ein Sprecher der Frankfurter Flughafen AG
    The correct reading is Sprecher-GMOD->Flughafen-APP->AG, but this is disallowed since 'der' must attach to 'Flughafen' and 'der Flughafen' cannot be genitive.

-- YannickVersley -- 21 Apr 2005
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