+ Garden Path Sentences
Collection of example sentences.
See Frazier (1978) for garden path theory, Frazier & Clifton (1996) for more references.
see also:
++ Table of Contents
Reduced Relative Clauses
- The horse raced past the barn fell. (prototype of a prefered subject-verb interpretation)
- The boat floated down the river sank. (Bever 1970)
- John knows the horse raced past the barn fell. (Pritchett 1992)
- John believes the horse raced past the barn fell.
- Cotton shirts are made of grows in afrika. (where did that one appear first).
- because Rosa praised the recipe I made ... (prefered relative clause interpretation !!! from Philipps (1996) )
- after may got off the bus she bought ... (prefered subject-verb) how can we predict that
- while I talked with the woman John was ignoring ... (from and Gibson & Broihier (1998))
Frazier (1979)
- Without her contributions would fail to come in. (strong garden path effect)
- Without her contributions nothing would come in.
- John new the answer was correct. (weaker garden path effect)
- John new the answer immediately.
Subject-Object Ambiguities
Bader Meng (1999),
Frazier (1978),
Fanselow Schlesewsky Cavar Kliegl (1999)
see also:
Bader (1996),
Hemforth, Konieczny, Strube (1993),
Schriefers, Friederici, Kühn (1995)
- Relative Clauses:
- Maria erzählt mir von der Frau, die (subj) die Eltern angerufen hat. (prefered S-O-reading)
- Maria erzählt mir von der Frau, die (obj) die Eltern angerufen haben. (garden path)
- Wh questions:
- Die Direktorin hat gefragt, welche Lehrerin_i t_i einige der Kollegen angerufen hat.
- Die Direktorin hat gefragt, welche Lehrerin_i einige der Kollegen t_i angerufen haben.
- Pronoun movement:
- Die Direktorin hat erzählt, dass sie einige der Kollegen angerufen hat.
- Die Direktorin hat erzählt, dass sie einige der Kollegen angerufen haben.
- Scrambling:
- Die Direktorin hat erzählt, dass die neue Lehrerin einige der Kollegen angerufen hat.
- Die Direktorin hat erzählt, dass die neue Lehrerin einige der Kollegen angerufen haben.
- late closure effects:
- she found out the answer to the physics problem quickly. (prefered reading)
- she found out the answer to the physics problem was easy. (garden path)
- while Mary was mending the socks she fell asleep.
- while Mary was mending the socks fell of her lap.
Subject-Complement Ambiguity
source: Frazier (1978)
- in this race to touch the wire she will win. (no problem)
- in this race to touch the wire is to die. (garden path)
- without her stupid remarks this paper would have been much better. (no problem)
- without her stupid remarks would not have been eliminated from the paper. (garden path)
PP Attachment Ambiguities
- move the pages of|off the pile ... and over to Jim
- move the pages of|off the table
- move the block on the table to the front
Preposition-Postposition Ambiguities
- ... dass [PP Fritz zugunsten] von Maria etwas unternommen worden ist.
- ... dass Fritz [PP zugunsten von Maria] etwas unternommen hat.
Multiple Unresolved Ambiguities
(from Richard Lewis (2000), Jounral of Psycholinguistic Research, Vol.29, No.2)
But: no strong garden path (... says Lews)
- Mary suspected the student who saw her ...
- ... yesterday.
- ... jogging yesterday.
- ... dogs yesterday.
- ... dogs fighting yesterday.
- ... yesterday where cheating on the exam.
- ... jogging yesterday were cheating on the exam.
- ... dogs yesterday where cheating on the exam.
- ... dogs fighting yesterday were cheating on the exam.
Comments: Let A1, A2, A3 be ambiguous material and D1, D2, D3 be the disambiguation region for each.
A string
has at most two possible structures, whereas
will have
eight possible structures. Above example mixes three types of ambiguity:
- subject/object ambiguity of NP/SC verbs (like suspect)
- subject-of-small-clause/object ambiguity (lile saw)
- genitive/accusative ambiguity (at her)
Mathew Crocker's Lectures on Psycholinguistics)
The doctor told the woman that ...
- story
- diet was unhealthy
- he was in love with her husband
- he was in love with to leave
- story was was about to leave
multiple constraints in disambiguation:
- Prosody: intonation can assist disambiguation
- Lexical category ambiguity: that = {Comp, Det, RelPro}
- Subcategorization ambiguity: told = { [ _ NP NP] [ _ NP S] [ _ NP S'] [ _ NP Inf] }
- Semantics: Referential context, plausibility
- Reference may determine argument attach over modifier attach
- Plausibility of story versus diet as indirect object
The doctor told the woman that ...
- he loves the story
- he loves her story
- he was in love with the story
- he was in love with her story
The doctor told the man that ...
- he loves the story
- he loves her story
- he was in love with the story
- he was in love with her story
The doctor told the woman that ...
- he likes the story
- he likes her story
- he liked the story
- he liked her story
The doctor told the woman that ...
- she loves the story
- she loves her story
- she likes the story
- she likes her story
MichaelDaum - 26 May 2003