
This corpus contains sense-tagged word occurrences for 121 nouns and 70 verbs which are among the most frequently occurring and ambiguous words in English. These occurrences are provided in about 192,800 sentences taken from the Brown corpus and the Wall Street Journal and have been hand tagged by students at the Linguistics Program of the National University of Singapore. WordNet 1.5 sense definitions of these nouns and verbs were used to identify a word sense for each occurrence of each word.

In addition to providing the word occurrences in their full sentential context, the corpus includes complete listings of the WordNet 1.5 sense definitions used in the tagging.

The following example illustrates the format of a sentence with a sense tag for the word "action", followed by the corresponding WordNet1.5 sense definition:

  ca01.db #020 `` These >> actions 8 << should serve to protect in
       fact and in effect the court 's wards from undue costs and its
       appointed and elected servants from unmeritorious criticisms ''
       , the jury said .

  Sense 8
    legal action, action, case, lawsuit, suit -- (a judicial proceeding
    brought by one party against another; "no criminal cases were heard
    while the judge was ill")
      => proceeding, legal proceeding, judicial proceeding,
         proceedings -- (the institution of a legal action)
          => due process, due process of law -- (the administration
             of justice according to established rules and principles)
              => group action -- (action taken by a group of people)
                  => act, human action, human activity -- (something
                     that people do or cause to happen)

(In the actual corpus, all tagged occurrences of a given noun or verb are stored together in one file, with each full sentence on one line; all noun and verb word sense definitions are stored together in two separate files.)

This sense tagged corpus was provided by Hwee Tou Ng of the Defence Science Organisation (DSO) of Singapore. It was first reported in the following paper at ACL-96:
"Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources to Disambiguate Word Sense: An Exemplar-Based Approach", by Hwee Tou Ng and Hian Beng Lee, in Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 40-47, Santa Cruz, California, USA, June 1996. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cmp-lg/9606032



  • sense-tagged 121 nouns, 70 verbs
  • 192,800 sentences
  • WordNet 1.5
  • Data type: text
  • Data source(s): varied
  • Application(s): natural language processing
  • Language(s): English
  • Number of CDs: (ftp file)
  • Nonmember price: US$100

-- MichaelDaum - 04 Apr 2002
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