Publications by Kerstin Fischer


Kerstin Fischer. Designing Speech for a Recipient. Partner Modeling, Alignment and Feedback in so-called 'Simplified Registers'. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016.
Dylan Glynn and Kerstin Fischer, editors. Quantitative Methods in Cognitive Semantics: Corpus-driven Approaches. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010. [ http ]
Anatol Stefanowitsch and Kerstin Fischer, editors. Konstruktionsgrammatik II: Von der Konstruktion zur Grammatik. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2008. [ http ]
Anita Fetzer and Kerstin Fischer, editors. Lexical Markers of Common Grounds. Number 3 in Studies in Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer and Anatol Stefanowitsch, editors. Konstruktionsgrammatik: Von der Anwendung zur Theorie. Stauffenburg, 2006. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. What Computer Talk Is and Is not: Human-Computer Conversation as Intercultural Communication, volume 17 of Linguistics -- Computational Linguistics. Saarbrücken: AQ, 2006. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer, editor. Approaches to Discourse Particles. Number 1 in Studies in Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics: The Functional Polysemy of Discourse Particles. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin, New York, 2000. [ http ]

Journal Articles

Kerstin Fischer. Why collaborative robots must be social (and even emotional) actors. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 23(3):270--289, 2020.
Kerstin Fischer, Oliver Niebuhr, Lars C Jensen, and Leon Bodenhagen. Speech melody matters—how robots profit from using charismatic speech. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), 9(1):4, 2019.
Leon Bodenhagen, Kerstin Fischer, Trine S Winther, Rosalyn M Langedijk, and Mette M Skjøth. Robot use cases for real needs: A large-scale ethnographic case study. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1):193--206, 2019.
Kerstin Fischer, Hanna Mareike Weigelin, and Leon Bodenhagen. Increasing trust in human--robot medical interactions: effects of transparency and adaptability. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 9(1):95--109, 2018.
Kerstin Fischer and Maiken Heide. Inferential processes in english and the question whether english has modal particles. Open Linguistics, 4(1):509--535, 2018.
Maria Alm, Janina Behr, and Kerstin Fischer. Modal particles and sentence type restrictions: A construction grammar perspective. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 3(1), 2018.
Oliver Niebuhr, Maria Helena Alm, Nathalie Schümchen, and Kerstin Fischer. Comparing visualization techniques for learning second language prosody: first results. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 3(2):250--277, 10 2017. [ DOI ]
Caroline Lyon, Chrystopher L Nehaniv, Joe Saunders, Tony Belpaeme, Ambra Bisio, Kerstin Fischer, Frank Förster, Hagen Lehmann, Giorgio Metta, Vishwanathan Mohan, et al. Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: Methods and design principles. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 13(3):105, 2016.
Kiki Nikiforidou and Kerstin Fischer. On the interaction of constructions with register and genre. introduction to the special issue. Constructions and Frames, 7(2):137--147, 2015.
Kerstin Fischer, Leon Bodenhagen, Norbert Krüger, Morten Østergaard Andersen, and Timo Baumann. Trinvise og delte strategier for kontrol af velfærdsrobotter. Medicoteknik, (1, 2. årgang):11--13, 2 2015.
Kerstin Fischer. Conversation, construction grammar, and cognition. Language and Cognition, (7):563--588, 2015. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Situation in grammar or in frames? evidence from the so-called baby talk register. Constructions and Frames, 7(2):258--288, 2015.
N. Krüger, A. Ude, H. Petersen, B. Nemec, L. Ellekilde, T. Savarimuthu, J. Rytz, K. Fischer, A. Buch, D. Kraft, W. Mustafa, E. Aksoy, J. Papon, A. Kramberger, and F. Wörgötter. Technologies for the fast set-up of automated assembly processes. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 28(4):1--9, 2014. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. People do not interact with robots like they do with dogs. commentary on faragó et al. Interaction Studies, 15(2):201--204, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer. The many functions of linguistic labels -- Commentary on Katerina Pastra. AMD Newsletter, 11(1):9--10, 2014. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Helena Larsen. Communication design. Communication and Language at Work, 1(2):26--32, 2013. [ http ]
Katrin S. Lohan, Katharina J. Rohlfing Rohlfing, Karola Pitsch, Joe Saunders, Hagen Lehmann, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Fischer, and Britta Wrede. Tutor spotter: Proposing a feature set and evaluating it in a robotic system. International Journal of Social Robotics, 4(2):131--146, 2012. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer, Kilian Foth, Katharina Rohlfing, and Britta Wrede. Mindful tutors -- linguistic choice and action demonstration in speech to infants and to a simulated robot. Interaction Studies, 12(1):134--161, 2011.
Kerstin Fischer. How people talk with robots -- designing dialog to reduce user uncertainty. AI Magazine, 32(4):31--38, 2011. [ http ]
Jacob Mey, Hartmut Haberland, and Kerstin Fischer. Editorial. Pragmatics and Society, 1(1):1--8, 2010.
Davide Marocco, Angelo Cangelosi, Kerstin Fischer, and Toni Belpaeme. Grounding action words in the sensory-motor interaction with the world: Experiments with the icub humanoid robot. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 4(7):1--15, 2010.
Kerstin Fischer. Har du talt med din maskine i dag?, 4. August 2010 2010. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. Why it is interesting to investigate how people talk to computers and robots: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Pragmatics, 42:2349--2354, 2010.
Kerstin Fischer. Beyond the sentence: Constructions, frames and spoken interaction. Constructions and Frames, 2(2):185--207, 2010. [ .pdf ]
Angelo Cangelosi, Giogio Metta, Gerhard Sagerer, Stefano Nolfi, Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, Kerstin Fischer, Jun Tani, Toni Belpaeme, G. Sandini, L. Fadiga, Britta Wrede, Katharina Rohlfing, Elio Tuci, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Joe Saunders, and Arne Zeschel. Integration of action and language knowledge: A roadmap for developmental robotics. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 2(3):167 -- 195, 2010.
Anton Batliner, Kerstin Fischer, Richard Huber, Jörg Spilker, and Elmar Nöth. How to find trouble in communication. Speech Communication, 40(1-2):117--143, 2003.
Kerstin Fischer. The interactive constitution of word meaning: Participant strategies in defining cognitive and cognitive linguistics. Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, pages 145--176, 2002.
Reinhard Moratz, Kerstin Fischer, and Thora Tenbrink. Cognitive modelling of spatial reference for human-robot interaction. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 10(4):589--611, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Discourse particles, turn-taking, and the semantics-pragmatics interface. Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, 8:111--137, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. What is a situation? Gothenburg Papers in Computational Linguistics, 00-05:85--92, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Validating semantic analyses of discourse particles. Journal of Pragmatics, 29:111-- 127, 1998.
Gabriele Diewald and Kerstin Fischer. Zur diskursiven und modalen Funktion von aber, auch, doch und ja in Instruktionsdialogen. Linguistica, 38(1):75--99, 1998. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Britta Wrede, Christel Brindöpke, and Michaela Johanntokrax. Quantitative und funktionale Analysen von Diskurspartikeln im Computer Talk. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung, 21(1-2):85--100, 1996.
Kerstin Fischer and Martina Drescher. Methods for the description of discourse particles: Contrastive analyses. Language Sciences, 18(3-4):853--861, 1996.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Oliver Niebuhr and Kerstin Fischer. Do not hesitate!--unless you do it shortly or nasally: How the phonetics of filled pauses determine their subjective frequency and perceived speaker performance. In Proceedings 20th International Interspeech Conference, Graz, Austria, pages 1--5, 2019.
Kerstin Fischer, Malte Jung, Lars Christian Jensen, and Maria Vanessa aus der Wieschen. Emotion expression in hri--when and why. In 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pages 29--38. IEEE, 2019.
Bente Charlotte Weigelin, Mia Mathiesen, Christina Nielsen, Kerstin Fischer, and Jacob Nielsen. Trust in medical human-robot interactions based on kinesthetic guidance. In 2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pages 901--908. IEEE, 2018.
Johanna Seibt, Gunhild Borggreen, Kerstin Fischer, Cathrine Hasse, Hin-Yan Liu, and Marco Nørskov. Working with and alongside robots: Forms and modes of co-working. In Robophilosophy/TRANSOR, pages 125--132, 2018.
Kerstin Fischer. When transparent does not mean explainable. In Workshop on Explainable Robotic Systems, 2018.
L Jensen, Kerstin Fischer, Franziska Kirstein, Dadhichi Shukla, O Erkent, and Justus Piater. It gets worse before it gets better. In 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. ACM, volume 3, 2017.
Kerstin Fischer, Oliver Niebuhr, Eszter Novák-Tót, and Lars C Jensen. Strahlt die negative reputation von häsitationsmarkern auf ihre sprecher aus? In Proc. 43rd Annual Meeting of the German Acoustical Society (DAGA), Kiel, Germany, pages 1450--1453, 2017.
Kerstin Fischer. Using robots to study speech--interactional processes and speech functions. In Proceedings of 8th Conference on Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2017, 19-22 June, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pages 1--4, 2017.
Eszter Strupka, Oliver Niebuhr, and Kerstin Fischer. Influence of robot gender and speaker gender on prosodic entrainment in hri. In Interactive Session at the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016), New York City, pages 1--2, New York City, New York, USA, 2016. IEEE.
Eszter Strupka, Oliver Niebuhr, and Kerstin Fischer. Influence of robot gender and speaker gender on prosodic entrainment in hri. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2016, New York City, 2016.
David Sirkin, Kerstin Fischer, Lars C. Jensen, and Wendy Ju. Eliciting conversation in robot vehicle interactions. In 2016 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Palo Alto, Ca., AAAI Publications, 2016.
Kerstin Fischer, Franziska Kirstein, Lars C. Jensen, Norbert Krüger, Kamil Kuklinski, Maria aus der Wieschen, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. A comparison of types of robot control for programming by demonstration. In Proceedings of HRI2016, Christchurch, NZ, 2016.
Kerstin Fischer, Franziska Kirstein, Lars Christian Jensen, Norbert Krüger, Kamil Kukliński, Maria Vanessa aus der Wieschen, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. A comparison of types of robot control for programming by demonstration. In 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pages 213--220. IEEE, 2016.
Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen, Stefan-Daniel Suvei, and Leon Bodenhagen. Between legibility and contact: The role of gaze in robot approach. In IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2016, New York City, 2016.
Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen, Stefan-Daniel Suvei, and Leon Bodenhagen. Between legibility and contact: The role of gaze in robot approach. In 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2016, pages 646--651, New York City, USA, 2016. IEEE.
Kerstin Fischer. Robots as confederates: How robots can and should support research in the humanities. In Proceedings of the Robophilosophy 2016 Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 2016. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. What common ground do we need (most) for speaking to a robot? In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop 'Towards a Framework for Joint Action', August 2016, New York City, 2016. [ http ]
Maria aus der Wieschen, Kerstin Fischer, and Norbert Krüger. Error feedback for robust learning from demonstration. In Young Pioneers Workshop, Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2015, Portland, Oregon, 2015.
David Sirkin, Kerstin Fischer, Lars C. Jensen, and Wendy Ju. How effective an odd message can be: Appropriate and inappropriate topics in speech-based vehicle interfaces. In Proceedings of Human Computation and Crowdsourcing HCOMP'15, 2015.
Kamil Kuklinski, Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Kerstin Fischer, Richard Beck, Norbert Krüger, Konstantsin Miatliuk, Franziska Kirstein, Ilka Marhenke, Maria aus der Wieschen, and Dorthe Solvason. A novel device allowing for dynamic switching between control frames during tele-operation. In 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, RoMoCo, Poznan, Poland, 2015.
Franziska Kirstein, Kerstin Fischer, Özgür Erkent, and Justus Piater. Human smile distinguishes between collaborative and solitary tasks in human-robot interaction. In Late Breaking Results, Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2015, Portland, Oregon, 2015.
Lars C. Jensen, Kerstin Fischer, Dadhichi Shukla, and Justus Piater. Negotiating instruction strategies during robot action demonstration. In Late Breaking Results, Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2015, Portland, Oregon, 2015.
Kerstin Fischer, Stephen Yang, Brian Mok, Rohan Maheshwari, David Sirkin, and Wendy Ju. Initiating interactions and negotiating approach: A robotic trash can in the field. In AAAI Symposium on Turn-taking and Coordination in Human-Machine Interaction, Stanford, March 2015, 2015. [ <a href=" ">www: ]
Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen, Stefan-Daniel Suvei, and Leon Bodenhagen. The role of the timing between multimodal robot behaviors for joint action. In Workshop 'Toward a Framework for Joint Action' at the International Conference on Social Robotics, Paris, 2015. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen, Franziska Kirstein, Sebastian Stabinger, Özgür Erkent, Dadhichi Shukla, and Justus Piater. The effects of social gaze in human-robot collaborative assembly. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics, Paris, France, pages 204--213, 2015. [ .pdf ]
Maria I.C. Aarestrup, Lars C. Jensen, and Kerstin Fischer. The sound makes the greeting: Interpersonal functions of intonation in human-robot interaction. In AAAI Symposium on Turn-taking and Coordination in Human-Machine Interaction, Stanford, March 2015, 2015. [ .pdf ]
Ilka Marhenke, Kerstin Fischer, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. Reasons for singularity in robot teleoperation. In Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2014, Late Breaking Results, Bielefeld, Germany, 2014.
Kamil Kuklinsky, Kerstin Fischer, Ilka Marhenke, Franziska Kirstein, Maria aus der Wieschen, Dorte Solvason, Norbert Krüger, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. Teleoperation for learning by demonstration: Data glove versus object manipulation for intuitive robot control. In ICUMT, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2014. [ .pdf ]
Franziska Kirstein, Kerstin Fischer, and Dorte Sølvason. Human embodiment creates problems for robot learning by demonstration using a control panel. In Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2014, Late Breaking Results, Bielefeld, Germany, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer, Bianca Soto, Caroline Pantofaru, and Leila Takayama. The role of social framing in initiating human-robot interaction. In Proceedings ofthe 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Ro-Man '14, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer, Katrin S. Lohan, Katharina Rohlfing, and Kilian Foth. Partner orientation in asymmetric communication: Evidence from contingent robot response. In Proceedings of the HRI'14 Workshop on Humans and Robots in Asymmetric Interactions. March 3rd, 2014, Bielefeld, Germany, 2014. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen, and Leon Bodenhagen. To beep or not to beep is not the whole question. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics, Sydney, Australia, 2014. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Alignment or collaboration? how implicit views of communication influence robot design. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cooperative Technological Systems, Minnesota, May 19-23, 2014, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer. Cognitive architecture for taking the partner into account. In Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2014, Workshop on Cognitive Architectures, Bielefeld, Germany, 2014. [ .PDF ]
Maria Aus der Wieschen, Kerstin Fischer, and Kamil Kulinsky. Intuitive error resolution strategies during robot demonstration. In Human-Robot Interaction Conference 2014, Late Breaking Results, Bielefeld, Germany, 2014. Nominated for best poster award.
Kerstin Fischer, Katrin S. Lohan, Joe Saunders, Chrystopher Nehaniv, Britta Wrede, and Katharina Rohlfing. The impact of the contingency of robot feedback on HRI. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Collaborative Robots and Human Robot Interaction (CR-HRI 2013), San Diego, May 20-24 2013. [ .pdf ]
Katrin Lohan, Kerstin Fischer, Christian Dondrup, and Chrystopher Nehaniv. Where do people look when tutoring a robot? In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Gaze in HRI, Tokyo, Japan, 2013. HRI 2013. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Katrin Lohan, Chrystopher Nehaniv, and Hagen Lehmann. Effects of different kinds of robot feedback. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Robotics. Berlin: Springer, 2013.
Kerstin Fischer. Contingency, projection and attention to common ground as major design principles for robot feedback. In Proceedings of the Workshop on 'Robot Feedback in Human-Robot Interaction: How to Make a Robot 'Readable' for a Human Interaction Partner', at the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RoMan'12, Paris, France, September 2012. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. Human tutors intuitively reduce complexity in socially guided embodied grammar learning. In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RoMan'12, pages 871--877, Paris, September 2012. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Katrin Lohan, and Kilian Foth. Levels of embodiment: Linguistic analyses of factors influencing HRI. In Proceedings of HRI'12, Boston, Mass., Boston, MA., March 2012. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Joe Saunders. Getting acquainted with a developing robot. In Proceedings of 'Human User Behavior', IROS, Portugal. Springer, 2012. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. How different views of communication influence HCI design: The example of shaping. In Proceedings of the 12th Danish HCI Research Symposium (DHRS 2012), Sonderborg, Denmark, 2012. [ .pdf ]
Martin Peniak, Davide Marocco, Jun Tani, Y. Yamashita, Kerstin Fischer, and Angelo Cangelosi. Multiple time scales recurrent neural network for complex action acquisition. In Poster presented at ICDL-Epirob'11, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2011.
Katrin Lohan, Karola Pitsch, Katharina Rohlfing, Kerstin Fischer, Hagen Lehmann, Joe Saunders, Chrystopher Nehaniv, and Britta Wrede. Contingency allows the robot to spot the tutor and to learn from interaction. In Proceedings of ICDL-Epirob'11, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2011. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer, Kilian Foth, Katharina Rohlfing, and Britta Wrede. Is speaking to a simulated robot like speaking to a child? In Proceedings of ICDL-Epirob'11, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 2011. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Interpersonal variation in understanding robots as social actors. In Proceedings of HRI'11, March 6-9th, 2011. Lausanne, Switzerland, pages 53--60, 2011. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. The need for interactional scenarios in grounded language learning. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics, Örenäs Slott, Sweden, November, 5-7, 2010, 2010. [ .pdf ]
A.-L. Vollmer, K. Lohan, K. Fischer, Y. Nagai, K. Pitsch, J. Fritsch, K. Rohlfing, and B. Wrede. People modify their tutoring behavior in robot-directed interaction for action learning. In International Conference on Development and Learning, volume 8, Shanghai, China, 04/06/2009 2009. IEEE.
Lars Schillingmann, Britta Wrede, Katharina Rohlfing, and Kerstin Fischer. The structure of robot directed interaction compared to adult and infant directed interaction using a model for acoustic packaging. In IEEE RO-MAN (Dialogue and human-robot-interaction), 2009.
Kerstin Fischer. The role of users' concepts of the robot in human-robot spatial instruction. In Thomas Barkowsky, Markus Knauff, Gerard Ligozat, and Daniel R. Montello, editors, Spatial Cognition V: Reasoning, Action, Interaction. International Conference Spatial Cognition 2006, Bremen, Germany, September 24-28, 2006, Revised Selected Papers, number 4387 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 76--89. Springer, 2008. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Manja Lohse. Shaping naive users' models of robots' situation awareness. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2007), Jeju, Korea, August 2007. IEEE. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and John A. Bateman. Keeping the initiative: an empirically motivated approach to predicting user-initiated dialogue contributions in HCI. In Proceedings of EACL '06, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. The role of users' preconceptions in talking to computers and robots. In Kerstin Fischer, editor, Proceedings of the Workshop on 'How People Talk to Computers, Robots, and Other Artificial Communication Partners', Hansewissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, April 21-23, 2006, pages 112--130. SFB/TR8 Report 010-09_2006, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Discourse conditions for spatial perspective taking. In Proceedings of the Workshop of Spatial Language and Discourse, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, October, 23-25th, 2005, 2005. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Expressive speech characteristics in the communication with artificial agents. In Proceedings of the AISB 2004 Convention, Symposium on Language, Speech and Gesture for Expressive Characters, University of Leeds, 29 March - 1 April 2004, pages 1--11, 2004. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Addressee-oriented blending in spatial object localisation tasks. In Proceedings of Spatial Cognition '04, Frauenchiemsee, Oct. 2004, 2004. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Reinhard Moratz. From communicative strategies to cognitive modelling. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on `Epigenetic Robotics', Lund, Schweden, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. How much common ground do we need for speaking? In Peter Kühnlein, Hannes Rieser, and Henk Zeevat, editors, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Formal Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Bi-Dialog 2001, Bielefeld, June 14-16th, 2001, pages 313--320, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Pragmatic methods for construction grammar. In Arthur Holmer, Jan-Olof Svantesson, and Ake Viberg, editors, Proceedings of the 18th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, volume 39, 1, pages 153--162. Travaux de l'Institut de Linguistique de Lund, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Reinhard Moratz and Kerstin Fischer. Cognitively adequate modelling of spatial cognition in human-robot interaction. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI 2000, November 13-15 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada,, pages 222--228, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Anton Batliner. What makes speakers angry in human-computer conversation. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Human-Computer Conversation, Bellagio, Italy, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Anton Batliner, Richard Huber, Jörg Spilker, Elmar Nöth, and Kerstin Fischer. Desparately seeking emotions or: Actors, wizards, and human beings. In Proceedings of the ISCA ITRW on Speech and Emotion, September 5-7, 2000, Northern Ireland, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Discourse effects on the prosodic properties of repetitions in human-computer interaction. In Proceedings of the ESCA-Workshop on Dialogue and Prosody, September 1rst - 3rd, 1999, De Koningshof, Veldhoven, The Netherlands., pages 123--128, 1999. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Die Ikonizität der Pause: Zwischen kognitiver Last und kommunikativer Funktion. In Ipke Wachsmuth and Bernhard Jung, editors, Proceedings der KogWis99, Bielefeld, September 1999, pages 250--255. Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, Infix, 1999. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Hans Brandt-Pook. Automatic disambiguation of discourse particles. In Proceedings of Coling/ACL `98 Workshop on Discourse Realtions and Discourse Markers, pages 107--113, 1998. [ .pdf ]
Gabriele Scheler and Kerstin Fischer. The many functions of discourse particles: A computational model of pragmatic interpretation. In Proceedings of Cogsci 1997, 1997. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Britta Wrede. Discourse particles in female and male human-computer-interaction. In Milton Keynes De Montford University, editor, Women into Computing, pages 36--49, 1997. [ .html ]
Kerstin Fischer. Distributed representation formalisms for discourse particles. In Dafydd Gibbon, editor, Natural Language Processing and Speech Technology. Results of the 3rd KONVENS Conference, Bielefeld, October 1996, pages 212--224. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1996. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. A construction-based approach to the lexicalization of interjections. In M. Gellerstam, J. Järborg, S. Malmgren, K. Nören, L. Rogström, and C. Rojder Papmehl, editors, Euralex '96: PROCEEDINGS, pages 85--91. University of Gothenburg, 1996.

Book Contributions

Kerstin Fischer. The situatedness of pragmatic acts: Explaining a lamp to a robot. In Keith Allan, Alessandro Capone, and Istvan Kecskes, editors, Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use, number 9 in Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, pages 123--132. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2017.
Maria V. aus der Wieschen, Kerstin Fischer, Kamil Kuklinski, Lars Christian Jensen, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. Multimodal feedback in human-robot interaction: An HCI-informed comparison of feedback modalities. In Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces: Developments, and Applications, Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology, pages 135--161. IGI global, Hershey, PA, 2016.
Maria Vanessa aus der Wieschen, Kerstin Fischer, Kamil Kukliński, Lars Christian Jensen, and Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. Multimodal feedback in human-robot interaction: An hci-informed comparison of feedback modalities. In Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications, pages 135--161. IGI global, 2016.
Kerstin Fischer. Das Verhältnis von Grammatik und Situation am Beispiel sogenannter Xenolekte. In Jörg Bücker, Susanne Günthner, and Wolfgang Imo, editors, Konstruktionsgrammatik V: Konstruktionen im Spannungsfeld von sequenziellen Mustern, kommunikativen Gattungen und Textsorten, pages 255--268. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2015.
Kerstin Fischer. Kognitive Routinen oder soziale Praktiken: Gesprächsanalyse und das Verhältnis von Kognition und Interaktion. In Alexander Ziem and Alexander Lasch, editors, Konstruktionsgrammatik IV: Konstruktionen als soziale Konventionen und kognitive Routinen, pages 245--258. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2015.
Angelo Cangelosi, Anthony Morse, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Marek Rucinski, Francesca Stramandinoli, Davide Marocco, Vivian De La Cruz, and Kerstin Fischer. L'apprendimento linguistico e numerico nei 'developmental robots'. In G. Airenti, M. Cruciani, S. Di Nuovo, P. Perconti, and A. Plebe, editors, Le scienze cognitive a confronto: oltre i confini della teoria, pages 11--30. Corisco Edizioni, 2015.
Maria Helena Alm, Helena Larsen, and Kerstin Fischer. As useful as 25 years ago: Ad foolen's four-level model of particle meanings. In S. Lestrade, P. de Swart, and L. Hogeweg, editors, Addenda. Artikelen voor Ad Foolen, pages 13--24. Radboud University Nijmegen, 2015. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Discourse markers. In Klaus von Schneider and Anne Barron, editors, Pragmatics of Discourse, number 3 in Handbooks of Pragmatics, pages 271--294. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer. 'Konspirative' Relationen zwischen Konstruktionen beim Sprachlernen. In Alexander Lasch and Alexander Ziem, editors, Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen: Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik, pages 243--259. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2014.
Kerstin Fischer and Maria Alm. A radical construction grammar perspective on the modal particle-discourse particle distinction. In Liesbeth Degand, Bert Cornillie, and Paola Pietrandrea, editors, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles: Categorization and description, pages 47--88. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013.
Kerstin Fischer. Discourse markers. In Carol Chapelle, editor, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, pages 1743--1748. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
Kerstin Fischer. Grammatik hinsides sætniger: mundlig kommunikation er mere end løs snak. In Årbog -- Forskning for Enhver: Videnskabelige Artikler fra Campus Sønderborg, pages 84--91. 2010. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: Introduction to the volume. In Dylan Glynn and Kerstin Fischer, editors, Quantitative Methods in Cognitive Semantics: Corpus-driven Approaches, pages 43--61. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Accounting for the role of situation in language use in a cognitive semantic representation of sentence mood. In Dylan Glynn and Kerstin Fischer, editors, Quantitative Methods in Cognitive Semantics: Corpus-driven Approaches, pages 179--200. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Whose language? Memory, the body, and discursive practices. In Bruce Fraser and Ken Turner, editors, Language in Life, and a Life in Language: Jacob Mey - A Festschrift. Emerald, 2009. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Die Interaktion zwischen Konstruktionsgrammatik und Kontextwissen am Beispiel des Satzmodus in Instruktionsdialogen. In Anatol Stefanowitsch and Kerstin Fischer, editors, Konstruktionsgrammatik II: Von der Konstruktion zur Grammatik, pages 81--101. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2008. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Mensch-Computer-Interaktion als interkulturelle Kommunikation. In Cecile Sandten, Martina Schrader-Kniffki, and Kathleen Starck, editors, Transkulturelle Begegnungen, pages 35--50. Trier: Inputs, 2007. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Grounding and common ground: Modal particles and their translation equivalents. In Anita Fetzer and Kerstin Fischer, editors, Lexical Markers of Common Grounds, number 3 in Studies in Pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007. [ .pdf ]
Anita Fetzer and Kerstin Fischer. Introduction. In Anita Fetzer and Kerstin Fischer, editors, Lexical Markers of Common Grounds. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007.
Kerstin Fischer and Anatol Stefanowitsch. Konstruktionsgrammatik: Ein Überblick. In Kerstin Fischer and Anatol Stefanowitsch, editors, Konstruktionsgrammatik: Von der Anwendung zur Theorie. Stauffenburg, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Konstruktionsgrammatik und Interaktion. In Kerstin Fischer and Anatol Stefanowitsch, editors, Konstruktionsgrammatik: Von der Anwendung zur Theorie. Stauffenburg, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Konstruktionsgrammatik und situationales Wissen. In Susanne Günthner and Wolfgang Imo, editors, Konstruktionen in der Interaktion. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Towards an understanding of the functional spectrum of discourse particles: Introduction to the volume. In Kerstin Fischer, editor, Approaches to Discourse Particles, number 1 in Studies in Pragmatics, pages 1--20. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Frames, constructions and invariant meanings: The functional polysemy of discourse particles. In Kerstin Fischer, editor, Approaches to Discourse Particles, number 1 in Studies in Pragmatics, pages 427--447. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Ruth Wilde. Methoden zur Analyse interaktiver Bedeutungskonstitution. In Christiane Solte-Gresser, Karen Struwe, and Natascha Ueckmann, editors, Von der Wirklichkeit zur Wissenschaft. Aktuelle Forschungsmethoden in den Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, number 1 in Forum Literaturen Europas, pages 163--174. Hamburg: LIT-Verlag, 2005. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer and Thora Tenbrink. Videoconferencing in a transregional research cooperation: Turn-taking in a new medium. In Jana Döring, H. Walther Schmitz, and Olaf A. Schulte, editors, Connecting Perspectives. Videokonferenz: Beiträge zu ihrer Erforschung und Anwendung, pages 89--104. Aachen: Shaker, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Notes on analysing context. In Peter Kühnlein, Hannes Rieser, and Henk Zeevat, editors, Perspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, number 114 in Pragmatics and Beyond new series, pages 193--214. John Benjamins Publishers, 2003.
Kerstin Fischer. Linguistic methods for investigating concepts in use. In Thomas Stolz and Katja Kolbe, editors, Methodologie in der Linguistik, pages 39--62. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Thora Tenbrink, Kerstin Fischer, and Reinhard Moratz. Spatial strategies in human-robot communication. In Christian Freksa, editor, KI 4/02 Themenheft Spatial Cognition. arenDTaP Verlag, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Reinhard Moratz, Thora Tenbrink, John Bateman, and Kerstin Fischer. Spatial knowledge representation for human-robot interaction. In W. Freksa, C.and Brauer, C. Habel, and K.F. Wender, editors, Spatial Cognition, volume III. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Anton Batliner, Richard Huber, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth, Jörg Spilker, and Kerstin Fischer. The recognition of emotion. In Wolfgang Wahlster, editor, Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translation. Berlin etc.: Springer, 2000.
Kerstin Fischer. Repeats, reformulations, and emotional speech: Evidence for the design of human-computer speech interfaces. In Hans-Jörg Bullinger and Jürgen Ziegler, editors, Human-Computer Interaction: Ergonomics and User Interfaces, Volume 1 of the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Munich, Germany., pages 560--565. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., London, 1999. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Compositionality and lexical semantics for compounds. In Franz Hundsnurscher and Edda Weigand, editors, Lexical Structures and Language Use, pages 193--203. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996.


Kerstin Fischer and Maria Alm. Rezension von: Auer, P. and Pfänder, S. (eds. 2011): Constructions: Emerging and emergent. Zeitschrift für Gesprächsforschung, 13:219--226, 2012. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Rezension von: Anna Filipi (2009): Toddler and parent interaction. Gesprächsforschung, 12:312--317, 2010. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Itakura, Hiroko (2001): Conversational dominance and gender. A study of Japanese speakers in first and second language contexts. Studies in Language, 31(3):717--720, 2007. [ .pdf ]
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Talmy Givón (2005): Context as other minds. the pragmatics of sociality, cognition and communication. LinguistList 17.579, 2006. [ .html ]
Kerstin Fischer. Rezension von Deppermann, Arnulf & Spranz-Fogasy, Thomas (eds.): be-deuten. Wie Bedeutung im Gespräch entsteht. Tübingen: Stauffenburg 2002. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 22(2):246--250, 2004.
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Paul Corcoran and Vicki Spencer (eds.): Disclosures. Aldershot etc.: Ashgate, 2000. Discourse and Society, 14(2):222--224, 2003.
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Johnstone, Barbara (2002): Discourse analysis. blackwell. LinguistList 13-726, 2002. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Jean-Pierre Malrieu (1999): Evaluative semantics: Cognition, language and ideology. routledge. LinguistList 12-2220, 2001. [ http ]
Kerstin Fischer. Review of Rene Dirven and Johan Vanparys: Current Approaches to the Lexicon. Peter Lang, 1995. Journal of Lexicology, 2(2):287--296, 1996.

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