and D student at the University of Hamburg. I have joined the Natural Language System group (NATS) in April 2015. Thesis focus is on multi-modal integration and how that helps in building a multi-level parser using machine learning techniques .
2018-05: with a dunding from DAAD and CML project, a paper "Text Completion using Context-Integrated Dependency Parsing" has been accepted to be publised in RepL4NLP workshop, ACL 2018...See you in Melbourne
2018-03: IntelliSys conference in London...We have a new publication "Joint Labeling of Syntactic Function and Semantic Role using Probabilistic Finite State Automata".
2018-03: Again cooperation with other research groups works quite well :). Integrating with Software Engineering and Construction Methods (SWK) group, our paper "Improving the Search for Architecture Knowledge in Online Developer Communities" is accepted in IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (ICSA 2018), APRIL 30–MAY 4 2018
2017-04: Our paper in SEMEVAL 2017 (collocated with ACL conference) has been accepted.
2017-03: Book chapter "Learning Context-Integration in a Dependency Parser for Natural Language" has been accepted to be published by Intelligent Systems Reference Library series Springer. The book title "Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications".
2017-02: Our team (Sara, Myself, and Chris Biemann) achieves the 7th position among 31 teams participated in SEMEVAL 2017, STS task. Our best run is in 12th position over 84 runs
Research Interests
Natural language dependency parsing, Semantic role labeling, multi-modal Parsing.
Machine learning, and statistical methods in data patterns extraction.
Bio-inspired algorithm, metaheuristic algorithms, scheduling and optimization problems.
Had a long experience in Software engineering, agile, and reusable development researches.
Amr Rekaby Salama, Özge Alacam and Wolfgang Menzel "Text Completion using Context-Integrated Dependency Parsing", 3rd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP), ACL July 2018.
Amr Rekaby Salama, Wolfgang Menzel "Joint Labeling of Syntactic Function and Semantic Role using Probabilistic Finite State Automata", IntelliSys (Artificial Intelligence track) Sep 2018.
Mohamed Soliman, Amr Rekaby Salama, Matthias Galster, Olaf Zimmermann and Matthias Riebisch "Improving the Search for Architecture Knowledge in Online Developer Communities", IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE (ICSA 2018), APRIL 30–MAY 4 2018
Amr Rekaby Salama, Wolfgang Menzel "Learning Context-Integration in a Dependency Parser for Natural Language", Book chapter in "Intelligent Natural Language Processing: Trends and Applications" Springer 2017.
Sarah Kohail*, Amr Rekaby Salama*, Chris Biemann "STS-UHH at SemEval -2017 Task 1: Scoring Semantic Textual Similarity Using Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble", The 11th international workshop on semantic evaluation, collocated with the 55th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2017. {*These authors contributed equally to this work}
Amr Rekaby Salama, Wolfgang Menzel "Multimodal Graph-Based Dependency Parsing of Natural Language", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing series Volume 533, Springer, 2016.
Mohamed Soliman, Matthias Galster, Amr R. Salama, and Matthias Riebisch "Architectural Knowledge for Technology Decisions in Developer Communities: An Exploratory Study with StackOverflow ", The 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), 2016.
Publications (before the Ph.D.)
Amr Rekaby "Directed Artificial Bat Algorithm (DABA): A New Bio-Inspired Algorithm" International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013), IEEE.
A. Rekaby, A.A. Youssif, A. Sharaf Eldin "Introducing Adaptive Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Using It in Solving Traveling Salesman Problem", An international conference of Science and Information (SAI), London, UK, October 2013, IEEE
Amr Rekaby “A Comparative Study In Dynamic Job Scheduling Approaches In Grid Computing Environment” International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications (IJGCA) Vol.4, No.3, September 2013.
Amr Rekaby "Grid Computing" review article, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, Volum-II, issue ii February 2013.
Amr Rekaby, Ayat Osama “Introducing Integrated Component-Based Development (ICBD) Lifecycle and Model”, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), Volume 3, Number 6, November 2012.
A. Rekaby, A.A. Youssif, A. Sharaf Eldin “Introducing Generic Artificial Bee Colony Framework-Problems Independent Framework”, WorldComp 2012 congress, ICAI'12 -14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Amr Rekaby, Mohamed Abu Rizkaa “Dynamic Job Scheduling and Load balancing algorithm In Grid Environment using X-Dimension binary tree data model”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing & Information Science, volume 12, no 2, July 2012.
Amr Rekaby, Mohamed Abu Rizkaa “The Improvement of Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy in Grid Computing”, WorldComp 2011 Congress, GCA'11 - 7th Int'l Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (July 18-21, 2011, USA). ISBN #: 1-60132-181-3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA'11), Pages 89-92.
Amr Rekaby, Maha Soliman "Towards Intermediate-Agile Model Based on Agile through Requirement Management and Development Enhancements”, WorldComp 2011 congress, SERP'11 - 10th Int'l Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (July 18-21, 2011, USA). ISBN #: 1-60132-201-1, Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'11), Pages 686-692.
I strongly encourage you to contact me If you find my research interests/ideas/projects interesting....... With integration, we ALL achieve great things