Oberseminar "Natürlichsprachliche Systeme"

SoSe 2007

Do. 14.15 - 16.00 F-235

Datum Vortragender Titel
05.04.07 Eelco Mossel Language Technology for eLearning - a Multilingual approach from the German perspective
12.04.07 Thomas Kopinski Analysis and optimization of a neural architecture for visual object recognition
19.04.07 Patrick McCrae Integrating Context Information for Syntactic Disambiguation
26.04.07 Gastvortrag N.N.
03.05.07 Monica Gavrila Experiments with Surface Forms in EBMT (Matching and Alignment)
10.05.07   Kein Vortrag
17.05.07 Christi Himmelfahrt Kein Vortrag
24.05.07 Martha Yifiru Tachbelie Sub-word based Language Modeling for Amharic
31.05.07 Pfingstferien kein Vortrag
07.06.07 Natalia Elita String similarity measures for pattern extractions
14.06.07 Klaus Dalinghaus Incorporation of thematic processing into the WCDG system
21.06.07 Cristina Vertan and Eelco Mossel Crosslingual Retrieval in an eLearning environment
  Irina Aleksenko Topik Fokus Annotation for an eLearning module
  Lidia Khmylko Hybrid parsing with a maximum spanning tree predictor
28.06.07 Julia Nabel Data Mining-Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Regelsystemen am Beispiel von Wildunfalldaten
05.07.07 Alexander Grupe Dynamic bilingual alignment in EBMT, TBA
  Juan Quintana Lorite Visualisation of HMMs for an eLearning module
12.07.07 Nguyen Thinh Le TBA

-- CristinaVertan -- 29 Mar 2007
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