The 12th ELSNET European Summer School
on Language and Speech Communication
Information Fusion
in Natural Language Systems
3 - 14 July 2006
Second Announcement
Information Fusion is an everyday necessity in complex speech and
language systems although it is rarely noticed as such. Systems
in this area are always composed of individual components which
need to co-operate towards a common goal. The reason for such
modularisation is obvious: due to the many different layers and
knowledge sources usually involved, system components need to be
developed independently by different people with different areas
and degrees of specialization. Moreover, there might be the
option or even the necessity to train such components on vastly
different kinds of data sets. Often it is the case that a range
of solution alternatives exists for one and the same processing
task, each of them providing a partial and unreliable but perhaps
complementary contribution to the overall behaviour of the
system. Here, the problem arises of how to achieve a synergy
between such competitive approaches, even for tasks where the
desired processing result is no longer a trivial one.
Since all available solutions for speech and language processing
are approximations to a conveyed ideal, system design has to
account for the inherent uncertainty of processing results on all
levels. this makes system integration a problem of information
fusion, which can be considered as solved in some cases but it is
still an open research issue in others: for speech recognition
the contributions of the acoustic models and the language model
need to be adjusted properly, whereas in translation a target
sentence has to be composed of partial structures produced by
e.g. an example-based component and a deep-linguistic one. Other
examples can be taken from more ambitious task like the
integration of acoustic (speech and noise) and visual data (lip
movements, hand gestures and facial expressions) in complex
multimodal environments. It is always astonishing to notice, how
little effort humans spend to integrate the available information
from such a diversity of sources. Even more, multimodal
information processing in many cases leads to a facilitatory
effect in the sense that using evidence from a range of sensory
channels is faster than relying on a single one. This, obviously,
is contrary to the behaviour of all the techniques we currently
have at our disposal when designing a complex speech and language
system. Therefore, the summer school will depart from a survey of
phenomena and mechanisms for information fusion. It continues
with studying various approaches for sensor-data fusion in
technical systems, like robots. Finally it will investigate the
issue of information fusion from the perspective of a range of
speech and language processing tasks, namely
- speech recognition and spoken language systems
- machine translation
- distributed and multilingual information systems
- parsing
- multimodal speech and language systems
How different these application areas might look, the underlying principles of
and the approaches towards information fusion seem to be comparable if not even
highly similar. It is the goal of the summer school to highlight such
similarities and to inspire the cross-disciplinary transfer of ideas and