Melania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Uhh submission to the wmt17 quality estimation shared task.
In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation,
Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pages 556--561, Copenhagen, Denmark, September
2017. Association for Computational Linguistics.
[ http ]
Melania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Uhh submission to the wmt17 metrics shared task.
In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation,
Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pages 582--588, Copenhagen, Denmark, September
2017. Association for Computational Linguistics.
[ http ]
Mirela-Stefania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Automatic threshold detection for data selection in machine
In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation,
Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pages 483--488, Copenhagen, Denmark, September
2017. Association for Computational Linguistics.
[ http ]
Mirela-Stefania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Sef@uhh at semeval-2017 task 1:
Unsupervised knowledge-free semantic textual similarity via paragraph vector.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic
Evaluation, SemEval@ACL 2017, Vancouver, Canada, August 3-4, 2017, pages
170--174, 2017.
[ DOI |
http ]
Mirela-Stefania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Data selection for it texts using paragraph vector.
In Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation,
pages 428--434, Berlin, Germany, August 2016. Association for Computational
[ http ]
Amr Rekaby Salama and Wolfgang Menzel.
Multimodal graph-based dependency parsing of natural language.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced
Intelligent Systems and Informatics, AISI 2016, Cairo, Egypt, October
24-26, 2016, pages 22--31, 2016.
[ DOI |
http ]
Christine Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards parsing language learner utterances in context.
In Proceedings of the International Conference of the German
Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, pages
144--153, Duisburg-Essen, Germany, October 2015. German Society for
Computational Linguistics and Language Technology.
Christine Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards parsing language learner utterances in context.
In Proceedings of the International Conference of the German
Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, GSCL 2015,
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 30th September - 2nd October 2015,
pages 144--153, 2015.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
In G. Görz, J. Schneeberger, and U. Schmidt, editors,
Handbuch der Künstliche Intelligenz, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, pages
473--526. R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München, 2014.
Arne Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel.
Incremental predictive parsing with turboparser.
In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, ACL 2014, June 22-27, 2014, Baltimore, MD, USA,
Volume 2: Short Papers, pages 803--808, 2014.
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Kilian A. Foth, Arne Köhn, Niels Beuck, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Because size does matter: The hamburg dependency treebank.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 26-31, 2014.,
pages 2326--2333, 2014.
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Melania Duma and Wolfgang Menzel.
Biased parsing for syntactic evaluation of machine translation.
In Proceedings of the 12th Edition of the Konvens Conference,
Hildesheim, Germany, October 8-10, 2014, pages 193--200, 2014.
Arne Köhn and Wolfgang Menzel.
Incremental and predictive dependency parsing under real-time
In Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2013,
9-11 September, 2013, Hissar, Bulgaria, pages 373--381, 2013.
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Niels Beuck and Wolfgang Menzel.
Structural Prediction in Incremental Dependency Parsing.
In Alexander Gelbukh, editor, Computational Linguistics and
Intelligent Text Processing, volume 7816 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 245--257. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
[ DOI |
http ]
Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and Wolfgang Menzel.
Capturing word-level dependencies in morpheme-based language
In Proceedings of LREC-associated workshop: The 2nd Workshop on
African Language Technology (AfLaT2010), pages 43--48, Valletta, Malta,
[ .pdf ]
Lidia Khmylko and Wolfgang Menzel.
Parsing als classification.
In Hermann Locarek-Junge and Claus Weihs, editors,
Classification as a Tool for Research, Studies in Classification, Data
Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, pages 657 -- 664. Springer, Berlin,
Heidelberg, 2010.
[ http ]
Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and Wolfgang Menzel.
Morpheme-based language modeling for an inflectional language --
In Nicolas Nicolov and Galia Angelova, editors, Recent Advances
in Natural Language Processing V, number 309 in Current Issues in Linguistic
Theory, pages 301--310. John Benjamin's Publisher, Amsterdam & Philadelphia,
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Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and Wolfgang Menzel.
Amharic part-of-speech tagger for factored language modeling.
In Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in
Natural Language Processing, RANLP-2009, pages 427--432, Borovets, Bulgaria,
[ .pdf ]
Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards radically incremental parsing of natural language.
In Nicolas Nicolov and Galia Angelova, editors, Recent Advances
in Natural Language Processing V, number 309 in Current Issues in Linguistic
Theory, pages 41--56. John Benjamin's Publisher, Amsterdam & Philadelphia,
[ .pdf ]
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Using weighted constraints to diagnose errors in logic programming --
the case of an ill-defined domain.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence in Education,
19(4):382 -- 400, 2009.
[ http ]
Tian Gan and Wolfgang Menzel.
Using articulatory feature-based ANN/HMM approach in AVSR.
In Proceedings of the 13-th Int. Conf. on Speech and Computer,
SPECOM-2009, pages 136--139, St. Petersburg, 2009.
Wolfgang Menzel and Klaus Dalinghaus.
An implementation of the argument dependency model.
Bericht FBI-HH-B-284, Department Informatik, Universität Hamburg,
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Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards an evaluation methodology of diagnostic accuracy for
ill-defined domains.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers
in Education, ICCE-2008, pages 117 -- 124, 2008.
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Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
The coverage of error diagnosis in logic programming using weighted
constraints - the case of an ill-defined domain.
In Proceedings 21st International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS-2008, pages 421 -- 426,
Martha Yifiru Tachbelie and Wolfgang Menzel.
Sub-word based language modeling for Amharic.
In Proc. Europ. Conf. on Recent Advances in Natural Language
Processing, RANLP-2007, pages 564--571, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007.
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Patrick McCrae and Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards a system architecture for integrating cross-modal context in
syntactic disambiguation.
In Bernadette Sharp and Michael Zock, editors, Proceedings of
the 4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and
Cognitive Science (NLPCS 2007, Funchal, Portugal), pages 228--237. INSTICC
Press, 2007.
[ .pdf ]
Patrick McCrae and Wolfgang Menzel.
Towards a system architecture for integrating cross-modal context in
syntactic disambiguation.
In Bernadette Sharp and Michael Zock, editors, Proc. 4th Int.
Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS-2007,
Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, 2007.
[ .pdf ]
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Using constraint-based modelling to describe the solution space of
ill-defined problems in logic programming.
In Howard Leung, Frederick Li, Rynson Lau, and Quing Li, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning,
ICWL-2007, volume 4823 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 367
-- 379, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2007. Springer.
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Rahel Bekele and Wolfgang Menzel.
Computer based learner group formation based on personality traits.
SINET Ethiopean Journal of Science, 30(2):95--102, 2007.
Solomon Teferra Abate and Wolfgang Menzel.
Syllable-Based Speech Recognition for Amharic.
In Proc. of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic
Languages: Common Issues and Resources, ACL, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007.
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Solomon Teferra Abate and Wolfgang Menzel.
Automatic Speech Recognition for an Under-Resourced Language -
In Proc. of the 8th Anual Conference of the International Speech
Communication Association, Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 2007.
[ .pdf ]
Wolfgang Menzel.
Detecting mistakes or finding misconceptions? Diagnosing
morpho-syntactic errors in language learning.
In Galia Angelova, Kiril Simov, and Milena Slavcheva, editors,
Readings in Multilinguality. Incoma Ltd., Shoumen, Bulgaria, 2006.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Konfliktlösung als Grundlage intelligenten Handelns.
In Rüdiger Valk, editor, Ordnungsbildung und
Erkenntnisstrukturen, pages 87--101. Hamburg University Press, Hamburg,
[ .pdf ]
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Problem solving process oriented diagnosis in logic programming.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers
in Education, ICCE-2006, volume 134, pages 63 -- 70. IOS Press, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Constraint-based problem generation for a self-assessment system.
In ICCE-2006 Workshop Proceedings of Problem-Authoring,
-Generation and -Posing in a Computer-Based Learning Environment, pages
33--40, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Kilian Foth and Wolfgang Menzel.
Robust parsing: More with less.
In Proc. EACL Workshop, Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural
Language Data, ROMAND-2006, pages 25--32, Trento, Italy, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Kilian Foth and Wolfgang Menzel.
Hybrid parsing: Using probabilistic models as predictors for a
symbolic parser.
In Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics,
Coling-ACL-2006, Sydney, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Kilian Foth and Wolfgang Menzel.
The benefit of stochastic PP-attachment to a rule-based parser.
In Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics,
Coling-ACL-2006, Sydney, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Kilian Foth, Tomas By, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Guiding a constraint dependency parser with supertags.
In Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics,
Coling-ACL-2006, Sydney, 2006.
[ .pdf ]
Nguyen-Thinh Le and Wolfgang Menzel.
Constraint-based error diagnosis in logic programming.
In D. Jonassen, C.-K. Looi, and M. Ikeda, editors, Towards
Sustainable and Scalable Educational Innovations Informed by the Learning
Sciences - Sharing Good Practices of Research, Experimentation and
Innovation, pages 220 -- 227. IOS Press, 2005.
[ .pdf ]
Kilian Foth, Michael Daum, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Parsing unrestricted German text with defeasible constraints.
In H. Christiansen, P. R. Skadhauge, and J. Villadsen, editors,
Constraint Solving and Language Processing, volume 3438 of Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 140--157. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
[ .pdf ]
Wolfgang Menzel.
Errors, intentions, and explanations: Feedback generation for
language tutoring systems.
In Proceedings International Conference InSTIL/ICALL-2004,
pages 75--82, Venice, Italy, 2004.
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Kilian Foth, Michael Daum, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Interactive grammar development with wcdg.
In Proc. of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Interactive Posters and Demonstrations,
Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
[ .ps ]
Kilian Foth, Michael Daum, and Wolfgang Menzel.
A broad coverage parser for German based on defeasible constraints.
In H. Christiansen, P. R. Skadhauge, and J. Villadsen, editors,
Proc. Constraint Solving and Language Processing, Workshop Proceedings,
Datalogiske Skrifter No. 99, pages 88--101, Roskilde Universitetscenter,
Denmark, 2004.
[ .ps.gz ]
Kilian Foth, Michael Daum, and Wolfgang Menzel.
A broad-coverage parser for German based on defeasible constraints.
In KONVENS 2004, Beiträge zur 7. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung
natürlicher Sprache, pages 45--52, Wien, 2004.
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Kilian A. Foth.
Writing weighted constraints for large dependency grammars.
In Recent Advances in Dependency Grammar, Workshop COLING 2004,
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Michael Daum, Kilian Foth, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Automatic transformation of phrase treebanks to dependency trees.
In Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation,
LREC-2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Dependenzgrammatik und Semantische Netze.
In V. Agel, L. M. Eichinger, H.-W. Eroms, P. Hellwig, H. J. Heringer,
and H. Lobin, editors, Dependenz und Valenz - Ein Internationales
Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New
York, 2003.
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Kilian Foth and Wolfgang Menzel.
Subtree parsing to speed up deep analysis.
In Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2003,
pages 91--103, 2003.
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Michael Daum, Kilian Foth, and Wolfgang Menzel.
Constraint based integration of deep and shallow parsing techniques.
In Proceedings 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the
ACL, pages 99--106, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
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Ingo Schröder, Horia F. Pop, Wolfgang Menzel, and Kilian A. Foth.
Learning the constraints weights of a dependency grammar using
genetic algorithms.
In K. C. Giannakoglou, D. T. Tsahalis, J. Periaux, K. D. Papaillou,
and T. Fogarty, editors, Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation
and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems, pages 243--247.
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2002.
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Ingo Schröder.
Natural Language Parsing with Graded Constraints.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Hamburg,
Germany, 2002.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
System architecture as a problem of information fusion.
In Proc. Int. Symposium Natural Language Processing between
Linguistic Inquiry and Systems Engineering, pages 74--84, Hamburg, 2002.
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Michael Daum and Wolfgang Menzel.
Parsing natural language using guided local search.
In F. van Harmelen, editor, Proceedings 15th European Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, pages 435--439, Lyon, France, 2002. IOS Press.
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Ingo Schröder, Horia F. Pop, Wolfgang Menzel, and Kilian Foth.
Learning grammar weights using genetic algorithms.
In Proceedings Euroconference Recent Advances in Natural
Language Processing, pages 235--239, Tsigov Chark, Bulgaria, 2001.
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Ingo Schröder, Wolfgang Menzel, Kilian Foth, and Michael Schulz.
Modeling dependency grammar with restricted constraints.
Traitement Automatique des Langues (T.A.L.), 41(1):113--144,
[ .ps.gz ]
Kilian Foth, Wolfgang Menzel, Horia F. Pop, and Ingo Schröder.
An experiment in incremental parsing using weighted constraints.
In Proceedings 18th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics, Coling 2000, pages 1026--1030, Saarbrücken, 2000.
[ .ps.gz ]
Kilian A. Foth, Wolfgang Menzel, and Ingo Schröder.
A Transformation-based Parsing Technique with Anytime
In 4th Int. Workshop on Parsing Technologies, IWPT-2000, pages
89 -- 100, Trento, Italy, 2000.
[ .ps.gz ]
Wolfgang Menzel.
A strongly interactive but symbolic parsing architecture.
In Abstracts Int. Conf. Architectures and Mechanisms for
Language Processing, AMLaP-99, page 69, Edinburgh, 1999.
Wolfgang Menzel and Ingo Schröder.
Constraint-based diagnosis for intelligent language tutoring systems.
In Proceedings IT & KNOWS, XV. IFIP World Computer Congress,
pages 484--497, Wien und Budapest, 1998.
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Wolfgang Menzel and Ingo Schröder.
Error diagnosis for language learning systems.
In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Natural Language
Processing and Industrial Applications, pages 45--51, Moncton, Canada, 1998.
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Wolfgang Menzel and Ingo Schröder.
Model-based diagnosis under structural uncertainty.
In Proceedings 13th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pages 284--288, Brighton, UK, 1998.
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Wolfgang Menzel and Ingo Schröder.
Decision procedures for dependency parsing using graded constraints.
In Sylvain Kahane and Alain Polguère, editors, Proc.
Coling-ACL Workshop on Processing of Dependency-based Grammars, pages
78--87, Montreal, Canada, 1998.
[ .ps.gz ]
Wolfgang Menzel and Ingo Schröder.
Constraint-based diagnosis for intelligent language tutoring systems.
Bericht FBI-HH-B-208-98, Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich
Informatik, Hamburg, 1998.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Constraint satisfaction for robust parsing of natural language.
Theoretical and Experimental Artificial Intelligence,
10(1):77--89, 1998.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Sehen und Verstehen: Der Beitrag bildlicher Information zur robusten
In Tagungsband 28. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Informatik, Magdeburg, pages 161--170, Berlin, 1998. Springer-Verlag.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Constraint satisfaction for robust parsing of spoken language.
In Proc. ECAI-Workshop on Non-Standard Constraint Processing,
pages 49--60, Budapest, 1996.
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Wolfgang Menzel.
Parsing of spoken language under time constraints.
In T. Cohn, editor, Proceedings 11th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, pages 560--564, Amsterdam, 1994.
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