"NLP at School?". In: Restructuring of the (re) training of school teachers in Computer Science 1990/1999. Cluj/ Rumänien) 1999. Seite56 - 66


Natural Language processing (NLP) is the field of Artificial Intelligence which copes with the analysis and generation of natural language texts by computers. It was never as prominent as vision, expert systems, deduction, or robotics always were. However, it is becoming more and more important with the rapidly growing internet activities and the corresponding natural language problems. Moreover, increasing political and cultural integration of countries rely on a well-developed language technology. In this paper we give some arguments for an early treatment of NLP at school and discuss conditions and prerequisites for teaching (parts of) NLP in highschools. Moreover, we claim that every nation (or language community) has the primary technical responsibility for their corresponding natural language. It is a public, national, and cultural task comparable to language education in elementary schools or foreign language teaching in highschools .

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