
University of Patras, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (UPATR)

Contact person: Prof. Nikos Fakotakis (Wire Communication Lab.)

26 500 Rio, GREECE

Tel.: +30.2610.996216

Fax: +30.2610.997.336

e-mail: fakotakis@wcl.ee.upatras.gr



  • Collective development-curricula, dissemination and marketing.

  • Teaching program for Module Phonetics and Phonology,Natural Language Processing, Speech Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Programming User.Languages
  • Advanced courses in the main points:Signal language processing, specially in Speech Encoding, Speech Synthesis
  • Coordination of the dissertation in Signal language processing.

Courses offered:

Module CP Courses Prerequisites-support C European Master equivalence
Natural Language Processing (NLP) 10 -Introduction to Computational Linguistics (3)* [10th (Spring)]†

-Natural Language Technology (3) [10th (Spring)]
-Artificial Intelligence (3)

-Data & knowledge Based Systems (4)
Module 2

Module 2
Speech Signal Processing 15 -Speech Technology (6) [9th (Winter)]

-HMI and Computer Graphics (3) [10th (Spring)]

-Digital Audio Technology (3) [10th (Spring)]

-DSP I (6)

-DSP II (6)

-Information Theory (3)

Module 5

Module 5

Module 5

Pattern Recognition 10 -Pattern Recognition I (6) [8th (Spring)]

-Pattern Recognition II (6) [9th (Winter)]

-Probability and Statistics (4)

Module 6

Programming languages 10 -PROLOG (1) [7th (Winter)]

-Advanced Programming Techniques (4) [7th (Winter)]

-Programming Languages and their principles (5)

Module 8

Thesis 30 Applications in the areas of:
-Speech technology
-Natural language processing

( )* hours per week
[ ]† semester

Module 2: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Course: Introduction to Computational Linguistics
  • Semantic Networks.
  • Semantic Parsing.
  • Knowledge Representation.
  • Discourse and Reference.
  • Natural Language generation.
  • Other approaches to Natural Language Processing.
Course: Natural Language Technology
  • Introduction
    • Phonetics.
    • Phonology.
    • Morphology.
    • Syntax-grammar.

  • Semantic Interpretation: Semantic and alogical form, semantic interpretation, strategies and issues in semantic interpretation.
  • Context and world knowledge: Knowledge representation, reference, discourse structure. Dialogue Systems.
  • Text generation.
  • Applications
    • Automatic Translation,
    • Lexicography,
    • Automatic Access to Databases,
    • Speech Understanding Systems,
    • Man-machine communication.
Module 5: Speech Signal Processing

Course: Speech Technology
  • Speech production. Hearing, speech perception. Speech signal analysis. Feature Extraction
  • Coding of speech signals: Waveform coding, Spectrum coding, Analysis-Synthesis coding, Linear Predictive coding.
  • Speech enhancement.
  • Pattern recognition (Hidden Markov models (HMM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Dynamic Programming (DP))
  • Speech synthesis.
  • Applications
  • Speech recognition: Continuous speech recognition, Word spotting, Isolated word recognition. Speaker recognition: Speaker identification, Speaker verification. Language identification. Spoken dialogue systems.

Course: Human-Machine Interaction
  • User interface design methodologies.
  • User analysis.
  • Dialogue design, Command language Grammar (CLG). Diagrammatic dialogue specification.
  • Presentation design.
  • User modelling techniques.
  • Natural Language interfaces.
  • Introduction to Computer graphics. Basic computer graphics algorithms. Raster graphics fundamentals 3D graphics techniques.
  • Multimedia and virtual reality.
  • Advanced techniques for human-computer interaction, user-centred system design, advanced graphics techniques.
Course: Digital Audio Technology
  • Introduction developments in audio technology.
  • Theory of digital audio: sampling quantization, over-sampling, low-bit conversion.
  • Audio data storage, file and data formats, storage devices, multimedia applications, audio data transmission and broadcasting.
  • Specialist topics in audio DSP: multi-channel coding and reproduction, equalisation, noise removal, hardware implementation.
  • Music synthesis and studio technology.

Module 6: Pattern Recognition

Course: Pattern recognition I
  • Basic concepts of pattern recognition. Supervised and unsupervised training. Estimation of the probability of classification error-Error bounds.
  • Distance functions. Minimum distance pattern classification. k-nearest neighbour classification. Single and multiply prototypes.
  • Decision functions. Linear decision functions. Perceptron and k-means algorithm. Bayes classifier. Bayes decision rule for minimum risk. Estimation of probability density function: Maximum entropy criterion, Parzen estimate, ortho-normal functions approximation. Stochastic approximation of the probability density function: Robbins-Monro and LMS algorithm.
  • Neural networks structure. Error correction, competitive and hebbian learning. Multilayer perceptron. Back-propagation of error. Radial-Basis function networks. Hopfield machine.
  • Syntactic pattern recognition. Formal languages. Type-0,1,2,3. CYK algorithm. Stochastic languages.
  • Grammatical inference.
  • Error correction.
Course: Pattern recognition II
  • Training pattern recognition systems: Line search, gradient descent, Conjugate gradients, Newton, the Levenberg-Marquart algorithm, Bayes learning, Monte Carlo methods, simulated annealing, Genetic algorithms.
  • Minimum description length principle.
  • Pre-processing and feature selection.
  • Karhunen-Leove expansion.
  • Syntactic pattern recognition and error correction.
  • Markov and hidden Markov models, recurrent neural networks and non-linear temporal processing.
  • Image recognition applications.

Module 8: Programming languages

Course: PROLOG
  • Introduction.
  • PROLOG rules.
  • Matching.
  • Recursion.
  • Cutting.
  • List processing.
  • Built-in functions.
  • Assert-Retract.
  • Defining operators.
  • Reserved streams.
  • DCG rules.
Course: Advanced Programming Techniques
  • Introduction to embedded systems design and programming.
  • Design and Development of Object-Oriented Applications. Introduction to OO design using UML, use cases, class diagrams, object-interaction diagrams. Aggregation, Inheritance, polymorphism, late binding, Exception Handling, Garbage Collection, Event Handling, Networking. Case study: Reverse Polish Notation Calculator.
  • Concurrent Programming Introduction, Concurrent Programming abstraction, the Mutual Exclusion problem, Dekker’s Algorithm, Semaphores, Monitors, Producer-consumer, Java constructs for Concurrent programming. Case study: The problem of the Sleeping Barber.
  • Low Level Programming – System level programming C constructs for low level programming, bit-wise operators, bit-fileds, unions, typedefs, pointers. Dynamic memory allocation. Interfacing with Assembly, Interfacing with the operating system.
  • Interfacing with hardware devices. Case study: The RS232 interface-Programming the 8250 UART.

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