UHH>Informatik>NatS>PROLIV Web>WebHome (17 Oct 2012, UnknownUser) Print version

Welcome to ProLiV webpage


Project information:

Beginning: June 2005
End: May 2008
The PROLIV project aims at increasing the mutual understanding of students from computer science and those from humanities by providing efficient learning-oriented information about:
  • the use of complex formal methods, and
  • informal theories about human question answering.

The main technical goal of PROLIV is the development of interactive multimedia tools mainly for supporting elementary courses in (computational) linguistics and literary computing, and the integration of such tools and of the corresponding e-learning contents into a homogeneous surface.

For the duration of the project, the PROLIV platform will embed modules for the following methods/theories
  • Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) (for linguists)
  • Lexicon encodings and formats (for linguists)
  • Question/Answer modeling (for computer scientists)
New modules added:
  • Topic-Focus
  • Hidden Markov Models

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